Why don’t we use both sides of our brains equally? When did we decide the left side was better than the right? Many of us have heard something about the difference between our left and right brain and how they work and what they are useful for.
Why don’t we use both sides of our brains equally? When did we decide the left side was better than the right? Many of us have heard something about the difference between our left and right brain and how they work and what they are useful for.
Why do we rarely get what we want from others, even when we give our all? What if we could never count on getting what we wanted from others? How would that have us feel...
What has us feel powerless in our efforts to influence others? How can we balance the power between us in key relationships to create the greatest common ground and the greatest common good…
How did we learn that suffering is noble? Where did we learn this and how was it shown to us? How was it reinforced? In the broadest sense, we can see it has been part of our human culture for millennia.
Why is it that so many of us have weak boundaries about what is and isn’t OK with us? Are we aware of what is happening or are we unconscious of our inconsistency? Is it simply a matter of knowing what to do when these boundaries are crossed by others…
Why is it so hard to let go of some relationships? Do we feel like we won’t be whole without the other person in our lives? Perhaps we are concerned what others will think of us if we walk away? Maybe we think we are not capable without the other person and we need them to…
Growing up with parents who were children of the 1920’s depression era taught me that money didn’t grow on trees, was hard to come by, took incredibly hard work to attain, could be taken away in the blink of an eye, and that only a few lucky ones ever ‘made’ it financially...
Why is it, we don’t typically think of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings? What I mean by multi-dimensional, is that we exist in more than just this external physical experience of the 3rd dimension where rocks are hard, and water is wet ‘…’
What is it that keeps us stuck with choices we don’t want? We mull the unresolved situation over and over again in our minds, yet we still can’t find a way out of our choiceless dilemma‘…’
Why has it been so difficult to feel fully sovereign in our lives? I don’t mean sovereign politically, I mean individually, as a fully empowered human being, at choice in each moment and responding from that sovereign place inside
Do you believe that you can fulfill your dreams? Is it OK that you have a certain dream? Is the dream 'too big' for you to imagine it actually happening? Is there a dream from long ago still alive within you....
So many of us have learned that the feelings we experience (emotions and related physical sensations and expressions), are a problem and can keep us from having what we want.