Why do we find ourselves having an unhealthy relationship with disappointment? We do everything we can to avoid feeling it. We work hard to protect our children from it, and we don’t want others feeling it about us, or anything we are part of‘…’
Why do we find ourselves having an unhealthy relationship with disappointment? We do everything we can to avoid feeling it. We work hard to protect our children from it, and we don’t want others feeling it about us, or anything we are part of‘…’
What is it that drives us to be available to everyone else instead of ourselves? The parent who cancels their yoga class to do one more carpool that day‘…’
Why do we feel that a certain level of suffering is required before we ask for what we want? Many of us feel that the suffering has to be enormous before we ask for assistance or say no to another ‘to do’‘…’
Do you believe that others will change in ways that will make you feel better? Do you hold out hope, even when the other person's behavior isn't fundamentally different? Perhaps you look for the tiniest shred of evidence that something has changed, and then hang onto that for days, weeks, months or even years?
Why is so hard to take care of ourselves when we get what we don’t want - an experience, a conversation, or a situation that we didn’t ask for, invite, or desire in any way...
What is it that has us take responsibility for that which is not ours? We do it with our children, our spouses, our friends, our employers, and our colleagues. If they are upset, concerned, nervous, disappointed, anxious or depressed, we feel we need to do something about it. Why is that…
What is it that has us feel that certain events or circumstances are destined in our lives? That situation just came together in the most unexpected and surprising ways, and at the same time, it felt like they just HAD to happen ‘…’
What are your beliefs about 'faith'? Is it something only the righteous get to experience? Only those tied to an organized religion? Does it make any kind of difference to use 'faith' in our day to day lives…
What has us think that things are happening to us versus owning our role in our experience? Most of us were taught that the physical world already exists, and we have very little influence over it other than in the ‘physical’ realm‘…’
What is our purpose and how do we know if we are fulfilling it? Our purpose is defined here as the impact that each person has on people and the world we live in…
Since childhood, we have seen our grandparents, parents, and other people close to us grow old. Our experiences are full of people becoming frail, their mind weakening, memory gradually impaired, their eyesight and hearing diminished. Then, one day, right in front of our ...
What is the point of being right? Do we think it makes us the ‘better’ person, justifies our actions, or gives us the right to take over or make someone wrong…