Millions are addicted to something. Take your pick: work, food, talking, gossip, attention, news, prescription medication, alcohol, recreational drugs, exercise, organizing, gambling, shopping, high risk experiences, emotional pain, or physical pain…
How do we step out of the cycle of being the victim of someone else's pain? In small and subtle ways, most of us still allow others to be abusive with us in their words or deeds. Even if we have ended or limited a painful relationship with these people, we may still feel they can hurt us in some way…
Why is Earth experiencing such tremendous increases in deforestation, drought, water contamination, floods, heatwaves, landslides, massive death, pole shifts, pollution, rising sea levels, seismic activity, sinkholes, volcanic activity, and wildfires…
What is it that has us miss the message that is being shared with us by others? Do we see the messenger as one that isn’t familiar or can’t be trusted? Or perhaps the message is one we have been protected from or trained to dismiss? Both can come into play if we are not alert to our own biases‘…’
What is it that has us determine who is right or wrong? Is it a set of cultural norms that we all agree to like ‘the golden rule’? Who or what gets to decide what is right for us or what is wrong with others? What if our fixed ideas of right and wrong keep us stuck in polarized thinking that limits our potential and joy...
Why do we give ourselves such a hard time when things don’t go as we hoped or expected? We seem to think that by giving ourselves a hard time about choices we made in the past we are somehow preventing ourselves from making bad choices in the future ‘…’
Why is it that we resist so many of our experiences? Have you ever heard the phrase ‘what you resist persists’? Resistance meaning that we want our experience to be other than it is and feel powerless to change it ‘…’
What is it that has us feel that we need to be the ‘fixer’ for others? What makes it so hard for us to just let others have their own experience, even if it looks like they may fall apart…
Where do you think confidence comes from? Our parents, teachers, and culture tell us that confidence comes from gathering lots of experience and knowledge. Becoming the expert, becoming the best, or knowing the right answer are the ways we are taught to build confidence. It’s all about having enough…
What do we tell ourselves when we have an experience that we don’t want - losing a job, discovering a health issue, ending a relationship, or other changes that feel bad to us...
What is it that has us put up with the bad behavior of other people or the institutions we belong to? Many of us are completely asleep as it relates to this experience‘…’
What is it that has us believe the words that another says while ignoring the energy of those saying them? When the words and the energy don’t match, those words can’t manifest as reality. Yet, so many of us hang onto the promises of others, even when the energy of how they were delivered didn’t match.