The Belief Coach

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Radical Responsibility

What has us think that things are happening to us versus owning our role in our experience? Most of us were taught that the physical world already exists, and we have very little influence over it other than in the ‘physical’ realm. We have NOT been taught about our energetic relationship with reality and how it is constantly responding to, and bringing us, more of what we are generating. When we understand that WE are the co-creators in our life, something magical happens - we connect with our true control. Instead of trying to be responsible for everyone and everything around us in the physical world, we start owning everything that is happening in our inner world. We can do this by using the outer world as evidence of what is going on inside. If we want to change the outside experience, we have to become fully responsible for the inside experience.

Radical responsibility means becoming aware of who we really are and what we want and don’t want in each moment. As souls having a human experience, and we have full creative power over our lives when we remember who we are, and our responsibility for every moment of our experience.

We have been programmed into thinking we need to be responsible for others. For their happiness, their comfort, their success, and mostly, their positive response to us! We have focused on getting what we need from others, instead of realizing we are the ones that are in charge and capable of getting what we need from and for ourselves.

While some of us are willing to take full responsibility for a positive experience (see what I did?), most of us do not want to take full responsibility for a negative experience we have had. Instead, our ego blames others, the circumstances, or even ourselves. Unfortunately, this keeps us believing that we have no control or choice. All we can do is ‘respond’.

Radical responsibility reminds us that we are in charge of all of our experiences. And THIS is true freedom. When we no longer look to others to be/have/do what we need, we turn back to the source within where we create our reality. If our reality feels stuck or chaotic, our job is to come into alignment on the inside. If my ego thinks that I should be working harder and my inner child is exhausted and begging for a break, I am not going to find the peace that I crave. Instead, internally, I will feel pulled in two directions. I should, but I don’t want to. I’m exhausted, but I should work harder.  This creates an energetic stalemate that creates a feeling of being stuck. I use Radical Responsibility to extricate myself from this deadlock. I am fully responsible for what I am experiencing AND what I want to create/experience in this moment. To do this, I acknowledge what my ego is up to, feel the feelings that my inner child has as a result of the story my ego is telling (need to work harder to be safe), and then, step in as the inner-parent to challenge and change that story and do what is most loving for me.

Once we are in full inner alignment, it is easy and effortless to manifest everything we want to experience. Claiming radical responsibility for our experience is the first step to change. From there, we open to the door to our highest possibilities and greatest joy.

How can you be radically responsible for your experience?