Do Prayers Make a Difference?
What are your beliefs about prayer? Is it our way of asking God for favors? Is it only something religious people do or have access to? Is prayer just as effective for ourselves as it is when we use it for others? When we pray, what do we focus on? Do we focus on what we don't yet have? Are we asking God/Goddess/Universe to fill the 'gap' between what we have and what we want? What are the feelings we are generating while we are praying? Are they full of worry and concern that our prayer may not be answered?
What if prayer was our way of demonstrating our faith - faith being the skill of imagining what is possible with all of our senses regardless of how things are in our current reality? And what if our prayers are our mechanism of creation? If prayer is our mechanism, then our prayers are best filled with gratitude for the good we know is coming, instead of concerns about it never reaching us or those we care for.
From a scientific viewpoint, our prayers become the 'expectation' and 'vibration' we offer to the quantum field. The quantum field responds by bringing to us circumstances that match the feelings and expectations we are generating at each moment. When we worry about others or ourselves, we generate more circumstances that bring worry to us. Instead of focusing on what we fear will or won’t happen, our job is to shift our thinking over to gratitude for the good that is coming and imagine it happening with all of our heart.
I once heard that the greatest prayer we could offer God is a heartfelt 'thank you' for all that is and the good that is on its way to us and those we care for. Feelings of gratitude along with our expectation of our prayers being answered are the key to generating the experience what we truly desire.
What prayers can you make with gratitude and full expectation in your heart today?