When Work is a Four-Letter Word
Why do so many of us believe that WORK is a four-letter word? When did our 'feelings' about work become so negative and filled with powerlessness and obligation? Many of us can hardly wait until it's Friday, time for vacation, or holiday time - working just to enjoy our non-work time!
Perhaps you learned that; "work comes before play, hard work is what good people do, hard work makes you stronger, working for someone else is hard, it's everyone for themselves at work, working for yourself is hard, someone else will always be in charge, you don't have to like your work...you just have to do it", etc.. The lyrics from 'Symphony of Life' by The Verve really says it well; "you try to make ends meet, try to make some money, then you die'. Many of us have a variety of negative feelings about our current work situation and with the concept of work in general.
Work is often seen as an obligation. Something that we, as productive citizens, SHOULD be doing. We push our children, friends and ourselves to go get 'better' jobs. Ones where we can make more money to spend when we are not working. This has left us with limiting beliefs about both money and time. Beliefs about how much of each there really is vs. how much we are allowed to have. I thought for years that I could have either time OR money - not both. That has been an interesting belief to bust up for myself. I want BOTH!
What if work is not about keeping up, or saving up, or having enough? What if it's not something we SHOULD be doing, but instead something we are called to do?
What if work was meant to be a vehicle of our own personal expression and contribution? How would we feel about it then? Would work still be a four-letter word in our minds? Probably not.
If each of us had the opportunity to see work in a different light, we could make some new choices. What would we do for free if all of our financial needs were met? Instead of doing what we were trained for, or what we know how to do, we would focus on doing what we feel most passionate about and what is the most fun for us. Instead of pushing our children to get a 'good education', or get trained in a 'viable career', we would listen to their unique preferences, talents, and abilities, and then support them in those directions that have them feel good. We would stop judging ourselves and each other by the 'type' of job we have and where we are in the hierarchy of an organization.
We all deserve to express ourselves and contribute to the world in ways that have us feel good. When we do this, the positive energy we express comes back to us in the form of money that supports the life we want to live. Remember, when we feel good, the quantum field responds with more experiences that feel good. Even with work!
What new beliefs about work would feel good to you today?